Saturday, October 31, 2009

Where to get hosting and Domains

In this section I provide some of the best and most affordable hosting services on the web. Make sure you carefully read what they offer and find what is best for your site. Keep in mind that many of them look the same when it comes to what they offer, so customer service and technical support is something to look for when choosing a company. God Bless!!

Website Hosting


Hosting is the heart and life of your website. A web host is what puts your site on the world wide web, this allows people with access to the internet to view your website and the files you have uploaded on it. Hosting works through servers, which are big computers with the ability to communicate and relay to other computers your site information at the same time. Some companies sell hosting packages that come with the purchase of your domain, however, hosting and domain name are two different things. Domain is just your site name and Hosting is putting your site and files on the world wide web. After you've purchased the hosting for your site they will provide you with the information on how to upload your website to the world wide web or if you need help do not hesitate to contact us.

Hosting Providers:

These are companies who sell you a certain amount of space in a server. Many website share the same server and they still run smoothly. You will find on the hosting provider's site how much space you will get and the price you have to pay for it. I have seen anywhere from $4.99 to $29.99 a month for hosting a website, so prices vary; but the more months you buy the lower the price goes. I will also provide you with the best deal I can find so keep your eyes open and check out the links from our sponsors. God Bless!!

Domain names

Domain Name:

Continuing with the website creation proces I would now like to talk about a very important part of your website, and that is your domain name. What is it? A domain is the name of your site, for example: is your domain name; it is the name of your website. The domain has to be purchased first before you put your site on the web, it also needs to be registered so no one steals it from you. There are many companies that offer domain registrations and I will place the best ones in this site so you can get the best deals!! Domain name registrations are not very expensive, they usually start at about $9.99 per year depending on the name that you want to register and its availability.

Also, if you purchase a domain try to be creative and choose a name that will be easy to remember and one that relates to your website. The shorter the name the easier it is for people to remember; and that can help a lot when it comes to bringing traffic to your site.

Remember that this is a very important part of your site and needs to be chosen carefully. Eventually you'll need to bring some traffic to your site and if you do not have the right name it might be more difficult to do so. God Bless!!

Free websites?

There are many people on the web saying that they have a free website for which they did not pay a cent. Let me tell you right off the bat: Do not get one of those free websites; it is a waste of time!! The way it works is by having you sign up with a free website provider (and by the way it is not free, I'll explain) who gives you a domain name that looks like this:

As you can see you do not have a domain, but a sub-domain. Their name is first and that will not work for you if you want to work with affiliates. For example Google will not put any ads on a site that is a sub-domain. On top of that these companies get to put whatever kind of ad they want on your site and the hosting space is very limited and that will surely affect your traffic negatively. You might be saving $30.00 a year, but you will not be in absolut control of what your site looks like and what is displayed on it. This can cause you to lose hundreds if not thousands per year!! God Bless!!

How to create your own website

What the process involves:

First I want to say that creating a good and productive website can be very challenging and time consuming, however, once you have completed it; the sense of achievement that you experience overcomes all of the previous frustrations. Before you learn how to make the actual website there are a few points that we need to know and discuss.

What is the purpose of the site:

what is it that you want to achieve with your site? Is it just for making money? Is there anything you'd like to share? Is it a hobby? These and many more questions are very common and need to be answered before we even attempt to make a site. The purpose of your site will dictate how successful it will eventually be. If what you want to do is just make money, chances are you might fail. Think about a subject or an issue wich you can control very well or something that you might have a lot of information, knowledge, and/or experience on. Do not just put up a site with the hopes of making money. Most sites generating good money these days did not start with the idea of making a lot of money. Of course you will make money with a well-built site that has constant traffic!!

How to build the website:

To build a website you'll need to know either basic HTML (Hyper-Text-Markup-Language) or how to use a website-building program. I personally recommend learning at least some basic HTML since these are the codes that the internet uses to decipher computer languages. It might be a little challenging at first, but after you become comfortable with the system it will be very helpfull when building any kind of website. If you are not interesting in learning HTML, there are some very easy programs to use and some of them are free. Programs like Dreamweaver, Nvu and Wpm are very user friendly and very easy to use, some of these programs will even allow you to use pre-made templates for your site. Again keep in mind that free sometimes is not the best choice, however, some of them do a wonderful job. For instance I created my first site, MusicoBiblico, using Wpm and it works so well that I now manage all my sites using WPM. These programs work as HTML editors (they basically work as HTML decoders) and somehow make the process of building a site a little easier. These programs (except for Dreamweaver) cost much less than the regular website building software. Now is the time to create your very own website and start making some money online. God Bless!!

Make money Online

One time I heard that it was easy to make money online, and that there were a lot of opportunities to suceed (of course I did not believe it). I'm the kind of person who still believes that success comes with a lot of sacrifices and hard work, and that usually takes time. There are many websites out there promoting false information about people becoming millionares without working or sacrificing. If you really want to make some money online it is your duty to invest the time and work!! In this section of the site we will explore what other opportunities are there to make a profit online and how we can choose and make the best out of them.

Today a lot of the money made online is made through affliate programs. An affiliate is more like a middleman or middlewoman who promotes a service or product on his or her website and gets a commission for doing so. You do not need to store any products or offer any services yourself; instead you can just let the people who visit your site know about these merchants and the products and service that they offer. You will not need to know much about the products or services but it is very useful that you know the company you are promoting on your site.

The best site I've found for affiliate programs in CJ.COM; it is very easy to use and has a lot of reputable companies. There you can find programs that are related to your website. Remember that it is very important that whatever it is that you are promoting on your site relates to the message of information you are providing. Do not just fill your site with banners to make it look pretty; instead choose what is the best option for your site in particular. For example, if you have an informational site on how to get out of debt, you should not be promoting a retail fashion store. Be careful, because this is very important and might determine how much of a profit you make as an affiliate.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Useful information in the site provided below

Here is a website that offers information about the different opportunities there are online to make money. Read carefully through the site and decide and use what is best for you. Remember to use as much of the information provided in the site to increase your earning potential. Click the link below!! God Bless!!